2024-03-21 15:53:29 评论: 点击:
The main revision content of the standard for water supply coated plastic composite steel pipes is as follows: adding terms and definitions such as coated plastic composite steel pipes; Revised the classification and labeling of coated composite steel pipes; Revised the requirements for materials used in coated composite steel pipes; Added requirements for surface processing and treatment of base pipes before coating; Revised the specifications and coating wall thickness of coated composite steel pipes, expanding the scope of specifications;
增加了涂塑复合钢管等术语和定义;修改了涂塑复合钢管 的分类和标记 ; 修改了涂塑复合钢管所用材料的要求;增加 了涂塑前基管表面加工及处理的要求 ;修改 了涂塑复合钢管的规格和涂层壁厚 ,扩大了规格范围 ;增加了外防腐层的种类、要求和试验方法;修改了电火花检测时所用的电压值 ;修改了环氧树脂涂层附着力的试验方法。本标准规定了给水涂塑复合钢管(以下简称涂塑钢管)的范围、产品分类和标记、材料、要求、试验方法、检验规则 、标志、包装、运输和贮存。