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  • 钢套钢蒸汽保温管道的防腐除锈要求实例
    Requirements for corrosion prevention and rust removal of steel sleeve steam insulation pipelines: 1. Rust removal of overhead steam pipelines: The outer surface of the steel pipes in this project must be sandblasted for rust re... [阅读全文]
  • 煤矿井下用环氧树脂涂层复合钢管
    Epoxy resin coated composite steel pipes are used underground in coal mines for water supply and drainage, positive and negative pressure ventilation, grouting, and gas drainage. Suitable for various working environments and usage... [阅读全文]
  • 直埋式预制聚氨酯保温管的生产及参考标准
    The production process of directly buried prefabricated polyurethane insulation pipes adopts foaming equipment, which operates stably and effectively ensures the quality of directly buried insulation pipes. Polyurethane insulation pipe... [阅读全文]
  • 聚氨酯保温管三位一体的结构
    聚氨酯保温管三位一体的结构 [2024-05-20 点击:13]
    The three in one structure of polyurethane prefabricated buried insulation pipe is formed by tightly bonding the working steel pipe (or steel pipe fittings) and the outer protective pipe through the insulation layer, forming an ... [阅读全文]
  • 聚氨酯保冷管托的应用及优势
    聚氨酯保冷管托的应用及优势 [2024-05-20 点击:27]
    Polyurethane cold insulation pipe bracket is a common pipeline support system, mainly used for fixing and supporting pipelines, playing a role in supporting and protecting pipelines. Its material is polyurethane, which is character... [阅读全文]
  • 消防系统给水涂塑复合钢管
    消防系统给水涂塑复合钢管 [2024-05-20 点击:21]
    The plastic coated composite steel pipes for fire protection system water supply are divided into circular pipe network water supply system plastic coated composite steel pipes and branched pipe network water supply system plastic... [阅读全文]
  • 长输高效蛭石隔热管托
    长输高效蛭石隔热管托 [2024-05-20 点击:16]
    The long-distance high-efficiency vermiculite insulation pipe holder has a low thermal conductivity and excellent insulation effect. High compressive and bending resistance, with a long service life. Excellent flame retardancy, strong... [阅读全文]
  • 钢套钢蒸汽直埋管道的技术要求实例
    The technical requirements for steel sleeve steel steam buried pipes in the design of the heating pipeline network from a power plant in a certain industrial park to a pharmaceutical factory: 1. Installation of steam buried pip... [阅读全文]
  • 给水涂塑复合钢管的生产要求
    The material of water supply coated composite steel pipe should comply with the provisions of the national standard "Seamless Steel Pipe for Fluid Transportation" (GB/T8163) or "Welded Steel Pipe" (GB/T3091). The coating material ... [阅读全文]
  • 高强度硬质聚氨酯发泡保冷管托
    High strength rigid polyurethane foam cold insulation pipe holder is a high-performance synthetic material. It is commonly used as an insulation product for low-temperature pipelines at minus 160 degrees Celsius. Mainly specialized... [阅读全文]
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