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  • 直埋式预制保温管的设计和施工需要注意什么问题
    Special attention should be paid to the following issues in the design and construction of directly buried prefabricated insulation pipes: it is important to know that the direct burial laying methods for heating pipes can be d... [阅读全文]
  • 给水内外涂塑复合钢管如何满足水质要求?
    Composite steel pipes coated with plastic both inside and outside the water supply have good corrosion resistance. Under different water quality conditions, the inner wall of pipelines is prone to corrosion by water, and long-ter... [阅读全文]
  • 内外涂塑复合钢管怎么连接?
    The common connection methods for inner and outer coated composite steel pipes include hot melt connection, mechanical connection, and electric fusion connection. Hot melt connection is a commonly used connection method, which invo... [阅读全文]
  • 钢套钢蒸汽直埋保温管在行业中的应用
    The application of steel sleeve steam directly buried insulation pipes in the industry, click on the profile picture to enter the homepage to learn more. In the food processing process, it is necessary to use steel jacketed st... [阅读全文]
  • 钢套钢直埋蒸汽管道
    钢套钢直埋蒸汽管道 [2024-01-31 点击:7]
    Steel sleeve steel buried steam pipeline is a commonly used pipeline for transporting high-temperature steam. The steel jacket steel buried steam pipeline is composed of two layers of steel pipes inside and outside, with a certa... [阅读全文]
  • 426无缝钢管的规格重量
    426无缝钢管的规格重量 [2024-01-31 点击:5]
    426无缝钢管的规格有426*8mm,426*9mm,426*10mm,其中426*8mm的无缝钢管每米重约82.46kg,426*9mm的无缝钢管每米重约92.55kg,426*10mm的无缝钢管每米重约102.59kg。 [阅读全文]
  • 377无缝钢管的规格重量
    377无缝钢管的规格重量 [2024-01-31 点击:6]
    377无缝钢管的规格有377*8mm,377*9mm,377*10mm,其中377*8mm的无缝钢管每米重约72.8kg,377*9mm的无缝钢管每米重约81.67kg,377*10mm的无缝钢管每米重约90.5kg。 [阅读全文]
  • 325无缝钢管的规格重量
    325无缝钢管的规格重量 [2024-01-31 点击:12]
    325无缝钢管的规格有325*8mm,325*9mm,325*10mm,其中325*8mm的无缝钢管每米重约62.54kg,325*9mm的无缝钢管每米重约70.14kg,325*10mm的无缝钢管每米重约77.68kg。 [阅读全文]
  • 273无缝钢管的规格重量
    273无缝钢管的规格重量 [2024-01-31 点击:50]
    273无缝钢管的规格有273*7mm,273*8mm,273*9mm,其中273*7mm的无缝钢管每米重约45.92kg,273*8mm的无缝钢管每米重约52.28kg,273*9mm的无缝钢管每米重约58.6kg。 [阅读全文]
  • 245无缝钢管的规格重量
    245无缝钢管的规格重量 [2024-01-31 点击:42]
    245无缝钢管的规格有245*7mm,245*8mm,245*9mm,其中245*7mm的无缝钢管每米重约41.09kg,245*8mm的无缝钢管每米重约46.76kg,245*9mm的无缝钢管每米重约52.38kg。 [阅读全文]
螺旋无缝钢管米重价格计算 | 版权所有:管道基地实力厂家  冀公网安备13092102000247号